The Night Owl to
Tiny Dreamer

This is the most popular package, and consists of 2 weeks of one-to- one coaching and support, a fully customised sleep plan and follow up calls and emails.

See Details

The Back to Basics
Tiny Dreamer

This is a ‘Refresher’ package for past clients who need support through a transition OR for parents with little ones who had great sleep skills but their sleep has now regressed. 

See Details

Welcome to the World
Tiny Dreamer

This is a comprehensive training plan helping parents of new-borns to gently guide their little ones to develop fabulous sleep skills from the start.

See Details

The Tiny Dreamers Sleepover

This package of overnight support is for those who want me at your home for assistance and support on the night you choose to implement the program. 

See Details

The Night Owl to Tiny Dreamer - 2 weeks of one-to-one support

What to do if my child has sleep issues

This is the most popular package, and consists of 2 weeks of support including:

  • A preliminary evaluation - a comprehensive questionnaire about your child’s sleep habits and routines that you’ll fill out prior to our meeting.

  • A 90 minute consultation in the comfort of your own home or via Zoom, where we’ll discuss strategies, troubleshoot possible problems and learn how to address your child's sleep issues.

  • A detailed, fully customized sleep plan, that I will prepare for you after the conclusion of our meeting.

  • 4 follow-up telephone calls during the first week following the consultation.

  • 1 week of e-mail support thereafter.


    £325 for a baby in a cot
    £375 for a child in a bed

The Back to Basics Tiny Dreamer - Support Through a Regression


It is not uncommon for babies and toddlers who have been taught to be great sleepers to ‘test the boundaries’ from time to time. This option is for parents who have met with me in the past, but are looking for a ‘refresher’ and a way to get all things sleep back on track, OR for parents with children who were wonderful sleepers but whose sleep has now regressed, whether it be due to travel, recovering from an illness or things have simply gone off track. 

This package includes:

  • A 60 mins consultation, usually by phone or Zoom, during which we’ll discuss any particular challenges you are having with your child and how to resolve them.

  • Optional 2 x follow-up calls to make sure things get off to a great start and which you can use to ask me any additional questions that might come up as you get things back on track.

    Price: £125 or £150 with 2 x follow up calls

Children sleep issues

Welcome to the world Tiny Dreamer - New-born support

This is a comprehensive training plan helping parents of new-borns to gently guide their little ones to have fabulous sleep skills from a very young age and can be implemented from Day one! Getting an early start in establishing healthy sleep habits is a huge advantage for both babies and their parents. 

Sleep Plan for Babies

Consultations can take place before or after the baby has arrived. 

This package includes:

  • A 60 minute telephone, video call or in-home consultation.
    We will discuss how to establish a healthy sleep plan for your new-born, discussing sleep needs, schedules for feeding, naps and bedtime, how to help teach your baby the difference between day and night, creating the right sleeping environment, strategies to encourage sleep, when to expect your baby to be sleeping longer stretches, and common sleep issues that can be easily avoided.

  • A detailed sleep plan.
    If you are expecting, the gentle, caring techniques in your sleep plan will teach you how to encourage an independent sleeper from day one, and will give you a flexible guide to quickly bring some routine when baby arrives, to a time in your lives which can otherwise feel quite overwhelming.
    If your baby has already arrived, your sleep plan will be customised for your family.

  • 1x follow-up phone call:
    If you are following a sleep plan from the beginning then you will find your baby is naturally developing wonderful independent sleep skills. You may find you have some questions so we will schedule a telephone call within 2 weeks of the baby’s birth just in case (if you are expecting) or within 2 weeks of consultation (if you already have your baby at home). These calls typically last about 15 minutes.

  • 2x follow-up e-mails:
    You can email me on two occasions with any questions or concerns at any time within the first 3 months of your baby’s birth or our consultation. After 3 months you can purchase another week of email support at any time should you need it.

    Price: £125

    This package can also be a fantastic gift for new parents. Gift certificates are available and can be posted directly to the lucky couple. Email me to order one.

The Tiny Dreamers Sleepover - Overnight support

This personal support package is for those who want me at your home for assistance on the night you choose to implement the program. 

Child Sleep Habits

This package includes:

  • A preliminary evaluation - a comprehensive questionnaire about your child’s sleep habits and routines that you’ll complete prior to our meeting.

  • A 15 mins phone consultation to discuss details of the overnight support - time, requirements etc.

  • Private in-home overnight support - This consultation will take place in the comfort of your own home and we will begin your journey to great sleep together. I will arrive prior to your child’s recommended bedtime and stay overnight until 7am the next morning.

  • A detailed, fully customised sleep plan which will be prepared for you after our consultation and after the nights stay, so that you have your own personalised plan to help guide you through the upcoming nights.

  • 4 follow-up telephone calls for the first week following the consultation.

  • One week of email support

Price: £1050 within the London area. 

Further distances can be accommodated for an additional cost - please call for details.