“He woke up every hour. Every. Single. Night… For a year!”
With a background in Psychology and Marketing, I have always wanted to help people change their lives for the better, but I wasn’t sure in what way. Then I had my son. He is the reason I am doing my life’s work. I moved into this career because I am hugely passionate about helping others who are going through what I went through.
My little boy was born with laryngomalacia (a ‘floppy larynx’). He also had reflux and as a result was sick a lot of the time. He catnapped all day and all-night long, never sleeping for long stretches, no matter what my husband and I tried.
He woke up every hour.
Every. Single. Night…For a year!
Extreme sleep deprivation and constant brain fog was SAVAGE. I was desperate for answers and I felt so alone…until I was brave enough to simply ask for help.
Working with a sleep consultant TRANSFORMED our lives. We solved his sleep issues within a week, and he has been sleeping 12 hours a night ever since.
He gets ill less, he is even more chirpy than before, we enjoy our time together more, and my husband and I have our quality time back in the evenings. We have all felt so many positive effects from just a few hard nights in the beginning.
Now, I want YOU to feel how life changing this can be and to show you how quickly you will see results.
So how does it work?
No matter where you are in your journey with your little one, I can help you as I work with children ranging from newborn to 4 years old. It is never too late for them to learn independent sleep skills and it can literally change your life.
I use a holistic approach and work closely with you to create a bespoke sleep plan suited to your child’s needs and then teach you gentle ways to help them to fall asleep on their own (and stay asleep for longer than 45mins!) by following my clear, step by step programmes.
The expert skills, knowledge and support I can provide you with have lifelong positive repercussions for you and your family.
Let my story change your story!
Camilla x
Happy parents,
Happy babies!
“It felt more like a supportive friend at the other end of the phone rather than a 'consultant' as Camilla is so friendly, non-judgemental and approachable. It helps hugely that she has been through this programme herself and understands the challenges of sleep training”.
“Camilla encouraged me, reminded me of the goals and celebrated with me on every step we made in the right direction…The service was personalised and the best thing I could have done for us. If you are struggling with your baby's sleep do yourself a favour and contact Camilla, she will save you!”
(Cape Town)